Crisis Management

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Digital transformation in the wake of a crisis: focus on people

Only 35% of projects today are completed successfully. One reason for this disappointing rate is the low level of maturity of technologies available for project management. This is about to change. Researchers, startups, and innovating organizations, are beginning to apply AI, machine learning, and other advanced technologies to project management, and by 2030 the field will undergo major shifts. Technology will soon improve project selection and prioritization, monitor progress, speed up reporting, and facilitate testing. Project managers, aided by virtual project assistants, will find their roles more focused on coaching and stakeholder management than on administration and manual tasks. The author show how organizations that want to reap the benefits of project management technologies should begin today by gathering and cleaning project data, preparing their people, and dedicating the resources necessary to drive this transformation.


Planning the Return to the Office during COVID-19 Times

In this week's episode, Ricardo discusses how you can benefit from planning a potential return to the office during the COVID-19 pandemic. With conditions improving in several countries, and people going back to work, it becomes imperative that we address 3 different fronts in our approach: Leadership, Operational/Tactical, and Business/Liquidity/Sales.


Organizational and Personal Resilience: The Ability to Cope with Change

In this episode, Ricardo discusses the concept of organizational and personal resilience. In this sense, the rapid recovery capacity becomes a critical factor for companies, governments, and professionals. The issue becomes even more critical when faced with the uncertainty of an unprecedented crisis that we are having with the coronavirus. The infographic referred to this episode is available for download here.


Covid-19: Assessment and Action Plan

In this episode, Ricardo explains the assessment he developed to evaluate the impact of the COVID-19 Outbreak in your project. He shares a 20 statements assessment that helps the evaluation of the potential exposure of your project to the implications of the COVID-19. He also shares actions we should put in place to protect the team and the reduce the damage in the project work.


COVID-19 Assessment and Action Plan

With the surge of COVID-19, Ricardo Vargas developed a quick COVID-19 Assessment and Action Plan for you to evaluate the actual impact of coronavirus in your project, initiative or product development work. The COVID-19 Assessment and Action Plan comprises 20 statements about aspects of your project or initiative that may be directly or indirectly impacted by COVID-19. These are divided into 3 groups:


Using Crisis as a Catalyst for Transformation

Most organizations are not well prepared to deal with a serious crisis. The end result of a crisis can either help transform the organization or leave it in a very dangerous position. Crises can emulate fight-or-flight conditions, which are physiological reactions in response to perceived danger, attack, or threat to survival. In animals, as well as humans, this is a natural response mechanism that helps keep us alive.


Crisis Management: The Denial Problem

In this podcast, Ricardo talks about crisis management. He explains that the first reaction in crisis management is the denial and that this is the worst option. Ricardo also explains that the crisis is caused by a "trigger" that is triggered by some event that will generate a chain reaction and can cause an uncontrolled situation in the project.

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